Diginity, that's not a word I was thinking of until the vet came in this morning. She was so loving and gentle with Shadow. I told her that I hoped she hadn't minded us choosing her but that she had fought so hard to help heal him and make him better. She smiled gently, shook her head and said that she didn't mind. She wanted to make sure that Shadow had his dignity. I was so amazed at how peaceful he went. I had his head on my leg for the first part and had to move so that she could get a better vein. As DH and continued to stroke his head, he started to snore and then just laid there peacefully. I am comforted by the fact that he didn't have to die during a seizure of fall down trying to go potty. I appreciate the fact that the Dr. Bethany patted him on the head and gave my hand a pat of reassurance as she left the room so that we could be alone with our sweet , gentle friend.
Thanks again for all of the comfort and support. Today I'll run the gammit of emotions and try to find a special ornament that's just right to honor my big boy. (Our family buys a new ornament when someone in the family has left us during that year.)
For now...Hope
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