Friday, December 30, 2005

Its so wet!!

I know that this is nothing like the neighborhoods that my friend Bear lives in but it so different for us. My potty place is wet and I don't like going out there are all. The water that is nearby has grown up onto my bathroom so I can't go out where its private. On the bright side, my family bought me a great bed for Christmas! What a great day that was! On the next day, there was a whole bunch of giggly teenagers that wanted to pet me and play with me. They even sang to my teenager and ate some great food that they dropped on the floor for me to eat. One of the pieces of food even had fire on it. They didn't drop any of that though.

Here I am at Christmas:

This is my bathroom:

Until next time,
Puppy 3

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Our pretty tree

My buddy Bear asked if our tree looks pretty at night. Actually, its beautiful! My lady and my teenager decoarted after the man put on the lights. Here's a picture. Its not that easy to see here but you get the idea. I've been knocking things off every once and a while. I think it disappoints my people to find broken balls but afterall, they did block my window! What's a dog suppose to do?

Rumor has it I get to take a walk today! Tomorrow night I get to go to a 4H training with my teenager. I can't wait!

Until Next Time,
Tree Puppy 3